Manuscript Withdrawal Policy
Syncytia is dedicated to publishing high-quality articles that promote the intellectual agenda of science while adhering to publication ethics. We expect our authors to follow best practices in terms of publication ethics and article quality.
Few authors request that their paper be removed from the publication process after it has been submitted or after it has been published. In certain cases, the request for withdrawal is made just days before the work is due to be published in the journal. Editors, reviewers, and editing staff may squander time as a result of this withdrawal.
To avoid unjustified withdrawals of manuscripts, Syncytia established the following withdrawal policy. Before sending a request for withdrawal, the associated author or co-authors should address the following statement.
- Before submitting the article, all authors, including corresponding and co-authors, should validate the number of authors, authorship, approval, and integrity of the manuscript. Address the concerns of all contributors before submitting the work for publication if there are any differences of opinion.
- Before mailing or submitting their publications to Syncytia, research students and researchers should obtain authorization from their advisors and teachers.
- Authors must adhere to publication ethics (details can be found at
- Any previous publisher is properly notified that the manuscript has been withdrawn (if submitted).
- Withdrawing a manuscript from one journal because it has been accepted by another is unethical.
- Authors should double-check that the facts and data included in their submissions are correct and error-free before submitting them.
- Prior to submission, all authors must agree to the papers being published in the specified journal.
Unethical withdrawal
Unless there were strong reasons for the manuscript withdrawal, during advanced stages in the editorial process or when peer reviews were near completion, the manuscript withdrawal requests were unacceptable.
The article processing charges, if paid by the authors, will not be refunded if the manuscript is withdrawn after publication.
If the authors do not respond to communications from the editorial office, even after multiple reminders, at any point during the publication process, Syncytia reserves the right to reveal the authors' conduct and manuscript content without further approval from the authors, and cannot be held liable for the consequences.
Only the most obvious and inevitable reasons will be allowed to withdraw a manuscript. To remove a manuscript, authors must send an email to with the "Article withdrawal form" to the Editorial Office, which must be signed by all authors and provide the reason for withdrawal. The form is accessible from the journal's editorial office. Authors should not presume that their paper has been withdrawn unless they receive notification from the editorial office to that effect.
If the review procedure for a paper takes longer than six months, the author has the option to withdraw the article without incurring any fees.
Manuscript Withdrawal Charge (MWC)
If the author(s) requests a withdrawal of the manuscript within 48 hours after submission, the author(s) will be able to do so without incurring any penalties.
Please be aware that after 48 hours of initial submission, the MWC of ₹2,500 (for Indian authors) and US$ 50 (for International authors) will apply, if authors request withdrawing the manuscript. If requested during the review process, ₹5,000 (for Indian authors) and US$ 100 (for International authors) will apply.
If the author(s) withdraws the manuscript after peer review, during the production stage (Early Release or Ahead of publication), or after it has been published online, the author(s) must pay ₹7,500 (for Indian authors), and US$ 150 (for international authors) as the MWC.
Only the email correspondence from the corresponding author regarding the manuscript withdrawal will be considered.
The corresponding author will receive an official letter of manuscript withdrawal from the Syncytia Editorial Office. The manuscript withdrawal is only permitted after the Syncytia Editorial Office has received complete payment of the applicable MWC.
We declare that the withdrawal charges are applicable in the event of a withdrawal, as stated in the policy.