
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • A cover-letter has been included in the submission.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The full manuscript file includes a complete author sequence, their affiliations, ORCIDs and email IDs, and the corresponding author's email.
  • The full manuscript file includes declarations by the authors such as Author contributions, Funding or sponsorship, Ethical clearance, Acknowledgements, and Conflict of Interest statement, etc.
  • Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for all the references have been provided.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

The text is single-spaced; uses a 10-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. The manuscript should contain a title page that includes the title of the manuscript, the full name of the author(s), complete affiliation(s) of the author(s), ORCID IDs, statements & declarations comprising of author contributions, funding statement, acknowledgments (optional), conflict of interest statement, etc.

The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements in APA format. Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for each reference and URLs for the website references should be provided.


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

This privacy policy explains how Syncytia utilizes and safeguards the information you provide when using this website.

Your privacy is important to us, so we've made a commitment to safeguarding it. When you use this website, we may ask you to provide certain information that allows us to identify you. Such information will only be used in compliance with this privacy policy. We've amended our Privacy Policy to make it apparent to you, our global users and researchers, what personal data we collect, how we use it, and under what conditions we entrust it to our contractors, as well as the options available to you. This also ensures that we comply with the most recent data privacy legislation.

Syncytia has the right to amend this policy at any time by updating this page. You should revisit this page periodically to ensure that you are OK with any changes. This policy is effective from December 31, 2022.

Why do we collect personal information?

The objective of Syncytia is to make scientific and scholarly research accessible to all because science and technology are needed now more than ever to create answers that will lead us to a more sustainable society. To accomplish so, we aim to engage with the global research community and provide the best possible service to each researcher. Understanding your research interests, specialty, and publications can aid us in this endeavor.

The purpose of this policy is to be as straightforward as feasible. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

What personal information do we collect?

The information collected, deposited, and managed on Syncytia's website is all done in India. You consent to the transmission of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy by using this website and services. If you do not agree to your personal information being sent across borders, please do not submit it through this website.

The following information may be requested:

  • Names, affiliations, and information about the institution
  • Phone numbers and email addresses are examples of contact information.
  • Other important data from your academic and scientific social media profiles, such as ORCiD, Publons, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and so on.

1. We collect information that you authorize us to access

For authors, there is indeed a separate manuscript submission form, and for reviewers, there is a separate manuscript evaluation form.

When you complete those forms, you give us specific information that becomes part of your Syncytia profile. Some basic information is needed for authors to submit manuscripts and for referees to evaluate manuscripts, and you can choose to provide additional personal information. We also ask if you'd like to share any other publicly available data about your professional activity with Syncytia, such as publications published, awards obtained, and so on.

You can choose how much information you want to disclose while filling out the forms, and at any time thereafter, based on the privacy choices available in the form.

Your contributions will be connected to your user profile if you participate in an activity with Syncytia, such as submitting, co-authoring, evaluating an article, or becoming an editor. This method amplifies the effect of your professional accomplishments while also acknowledging your contributions.

You can respond to promotions on another website by contacting us and expressing your interest in receiving messages or taking part in a Syncytia effort in your field of interest or skill. For this purpose, we shall keep the personal information you supply to us.

When submitting a manuscript or serving as a reviewer, you must link your ORCiD profile with Syncytia. Your ORCiD profile will be used to verify your researcher status.

In order to offer you a better experience, we may introduce such connection services in the future.

2. We collect personal data when you visit the Syncytia website

Some technical information is automatically collected when you visit any page on the Syncytia website:

Geo-location information. We keep track of where you are visiting the article, research subject, and profile pages on our websites (through IP addresses and timestamps). This does not identify you (unless you are a registered user and logged in) and allows us to aggregate this data to better understand where our readers are situated and give impact analytics services, such as for your article or research topic.

Log data. We keep track of information called log data, which includes browser interaction data and other data that your device's browser provides to any website you visit. This log data comprises your IP address, the browser you're using and its settings, the date and time of your request, information about how you used our website, "cookie" data (which we'll discuss later), and device information.

This log data comprises your IP address, the browser you're using and its settings, the date and time of your request, information about how you used our website, "cookie" data (which we'll discuss later), and device information. To ensure that our website works properly with your device, we collect information about the type of device you are using, its operating system, browser type and version, and other information. This could include information that is specific to your device. The data that your gadget delivers to us is determined by the manufacturer.

Data on website tracking and improvement. We may keep track of how visitors to our website browse through it. This is done to make our website more user-friendly and to track the effectiveness of our communications and promotions.

Browsing history of registered users on our websites. This allows us to better understand the preferences of our registered users.

Third-party analytics. Regarding our usage of Google Analytics, please see the section below on Online Tracking.

Payment information. Depending on your preferences, we or our relevant contractors may keep your payment information. Individuals' financial information may be collected online when they register for meetings, acquire publications, or make a membership payment. SSL protocols are used to safeguard web forms. This protects the entered information from unauthorized access by encrypting it during the transaction. SSL certificates are issued by reputable and well-known certificate providers. Financial information collected online is not stored by Syncytia.

3. We collect data on your connections with Syncytia

Interactions with Syncytia

We keep track of both registered and non-registered users' interactions with Syncytia. This could include emails you send, acceptance of terms and conditions, visits the website, content submissions, acceptance of reviewer or editor roles, participation in the review process, article acceptances and rejections, Syncytia surveys you complete, and any other interaction you have with Syncytia.

Online Tracking

Syncytia makes use of Google Analytics, a web analytics tool offered by Google. To allow us to analyze your use of our website, Google Analytics employs cookies (see the section below on cookies). The cookie's information about your use of this website is typically sent to and stored on a Google server in the United States. The information submitted to Google Analytics by Syncytia does not personally identify any Swiss, EU, or EEA resident. In rare circumstances, your complete IP address may be sent to a Google server in the United States and truncated there. Google will use this information on our behalf to analyze your use of our website, produce reports on website activity, and offer the website operator other services connected to the website and internet use. The IP address collected from your browser by Google Analytics will not be combined with any other Google data.

By downloading and installing the browser plug-in available here, you can prevent Google from collecting and storing information in cookies, from saving information about your use of the website (including your IP address), and from processing such information.

Please visit the Google Website for more information on Google Analytics and privacy.

What do we do with your personal information?

This information is used to better understand your interests and to offer you superior service, as well as for the following specific purposes:

  • Maintaining your account internally
  • Improving our services to our members.
  • We may send promotional emails regularly about new goods, services or other information that we think may be of interest to you using your contact information.
  • For market research objectives, we can contact you or customize our website.

We use the information, we gather to:

Provide services to you and the research community, such as creating and managing your account (for registered users), providing our publishing and networking services, and informing you about pertinent research news and information relevant to your areas of expertise and interest.

We invite you to participate in Syncytia activities, particularly by reviewing articles relevant to your field of expertise, contributing to cutting-edge research subjects, and maybe joining an editorial board or attending a conference. We collect information about your professional activities to guarantee that you receive only relevant invitations.

Recognize and resolve ambiguity. To ensure that, in cases when the same name is shared by more than one person, we are dealing with the correct individual in our business's publishing operations.

Adhere to your privacy and email preferences

Recognize the user experience with our website and editorial processes in order to enhance our services, website, and editorial processes, as well as to envision new services, in order to ensure the best possible experience with Syncytia.

Recognize our visitors' geographical areas and institutional affiliations

Notify you of Syncytia events, activities, and opportunities

Respond to your inquiries and provide you with assistance and service

Conduct surveys to determine how we might improve our service.

Networks of advertising. We want to participate in third-party advertising networks, such as Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These networks enable us to tailor our promotions to you based on data matching, demographic information, your stated or implied interests, and your browsing activity on our website, which is recorded over time using automatic mechanisms such as cookies, web server logs, and web beacons. The networks use the data acquired to display adverts and promotions that are relevant to your interests and specialization. Additionally, the networks may track your browser activity on other websites that are members of the advertising network. We also use these networks to monitor the success of our promotional and marketing operations. You may choose to opt out of these activities.

Cookies. A cookie is a small text file that either stores data on the user's computer or sends it back to the web server. The file contains data that a user enters via an online form, as well as generic information about the visiting user, such as an IP address or browser type. A cookie might be transient (or session cookies) and only exist for the duration of your visit, or persistent (or persistent cookies) and remain on your computer until they expire or are deleted, but the user ultimately controls the cookie and how it is stored via their web browser. Cookies are required by Syncytia in order for certain elements of the website to work properly. Without cookies, those areas will not function properly and Syncytia will not be able to deliver the full range of services to the user. Syncytia does not use cookies to store any financial information.

While cookies in and of themselves do not identify you, we may associate information that does (for example, your IP address) with a cookie on your browser. We use cookies for the following purposes:

  • Take into account any preferences you may have specified.
  • Track your navigation through our website (without identifying you) so that we may assess and enhance its usability, as well as so that we can understand your interests and provide you only information that is relevant to you.
  • Determine whether you are logged in when you navigate to another section of our website (for session management).
  • Keep you logged in between sessions if you so desire
  • When dealing with our website, ensure that your data is secure.

All Syncytia cookies are used exclusively on the domain Additionally, we utilize third-party analytics cookies, such as those from Google and other third-party analytics providers. Please refer to the preceding sections on Google Analytics and Advertising Networks for additional information.

You can disable cookies on your browser by selecting the proper settings; however, you may be unable to log in or access the full functionality of Syncytia's website if you do so.

Links to other websites of interest on our website. Our website may contain connections to other potentially useful websites. However, you should be aware that if you use these links to leave our site, we have no control over the other website. As a result, we are not responsible for the protection or privacy of any information you send to other sites, and such sites are not covered by this privacy statement.

We will not sell or release your personal information to other parties unless you authorize us to do so or we are forced to do so by law. We may use your personal information to send you promotional materials that we believe will be of interest to you.

How and when do we share information?

When you register, some basic information about you is made public, such as your name and institutional affiliation. You have the option of making any further registration or profile information public or private. The information you make public is viewable by anybody, including unregistered users.

When we publish an article in which you are a co-author, we include your name beside the piece. This is in keeping with Syncytia's aim to enhance peer review through transparency and accountability, as well as to credit and honor your work. Your name is publicly visible in connection with that article. Your name and affiliation with that article are not subject to removal or deletion unless warranted by approved scholarly publishing practices.

We outsource certain processes to subcontractors who adhere to adequate data protection regulations. These services include article typesetting and copyediting as well as customer relationship management within Syncytia.

We would collaborate with a variety of public research repositories, scholarly databases, and other organizations (such as CLOCKSS, Crossref, DOAB (Directory of Open-Access Books), DOAJ (Directory of Open-Access Journals), MedLine, OpenAire, PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, and Web of Science, among others) to archive research articles and/or their metadata, as well as databanks. Certain repositories just give the metadata for an article, which contains information identifying the authors and reviewers.

The use of tracking and custom audience approaches, which are discussed in further detail elsewhere in this privacy statement, entails the exchange of information as specified in those sections.

We may be forced to cooperate with law enforcement officials in the investigation of crimes.

We collect, use, and exchange data in order to provide our services to you and the research community.

How do we safeguard your data?

Syncytia is committed to maintaining the security of your information. Syncytia employs a variety of physical, technological, managerial, and administrative safeguards to help protect your information from accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized access, loss, destruction, modification, disclosure, or use.

We define information access privileges and utilize technology to restrict access to those who are permitted. We take steps to ensure the security of our servers. We maintain physical control over access to our facilities. We have implemented and adhered to information technology and data security policy. We work with our contractors to verify they have adequate security measures in place and are processing data in line with applicable laws.

What choices do you have about your information?

You have several options when it comes to your personal information. If you provided your information as an author or a reviewer, you will receive a document including all of the information you provided. You should review your personal information and can contact us regarding the information you submit and the extent to which it is made public, the information you do not intend us to use, or the information you wish us to delete from our database.

You can modify your browser's settings to control whether or not it accepts cookies and which cookies it accepts; you can also delete cookies manually. Please refer to your device's or browser provider's instructions on how to accomplish this.

You have the right to

  • be informed about the data we store related to you. Our goal is to reply to any request for information within thirty days of receiving the request and
  • amend or remove your information as requested. If you are already registered, you can update your information by going into your profile. As a responsible publisher, TABCJ may believe it has an overriding need to retain all or some information in order to deliver its services.
  • request that we stop using your information, including when we use it to send you emails or promotional notifications about our services. If you opt out of receiving promotional messages, we will continue to send service emails to you if you are registered with us.
  • require us to send your data provided by you and held by us to a third party, if this is technically feasible.
  • complain to a data protection regulator.

Age limits

Syncytia is open to professional researchers and those interested in science who are at least 18 years old. Individuals under the age of 18 are not eligible to register with Syncytia.

When persons under the age of 18 are a part of Syncytia for Young Minds, Syncytia communicates with them only through their parents, guardians, teachers, or science mentors. Syncytia does not store any personally identifying information about anyone we think to be under the age of 18.

How to address issues or questions about your personal data?

If you have any questions or concerns about how Syncytia stores or uses your personal information, please contact us at


If Syncytia amends this policy, the amendments will take effect immediately following their publication on our website. If any changes materially affect your rights or options, we will notify you via your registered email address, a pop-up message on our website, or another acceptable manner.