About the Journal

Aims & Scope

Syncytia is a fully open-access multidisciplinary online journal that publishes the best peer-reviewed work in all areas of natural science and technology based on its significance, originality, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance, and surprising conclusions twice a year. Additionally, Syncytia will offer timely, reliable, perceptive, and compelling news and analysis of current and impending trends affecting natural science, scientists, and the general public.

Syncytia's Mission Statement

First, to provide a venue for the reporting and discussion of news and issues pertaining to natural science. 
Second, to aid scientists by promptly publishing major advances in any discipline of natural science.
The third goal is to ensure that the findings of natural science are quickly communicated to the general population around the globe in a way that communicates their importance for knowledge, culture, and daily life.